Monday, June 7, 2010

Thinking Back!!!

Thinking Back to all the things I could do different or change, I Just dont know... this week has been emotional for me, as much as I try to ignore it and let it go I just cant help but feel like there is so much I need to get off my chest!!!
First of all I want to admit to all that Im not a very ambitious person, I admit Im lazy and I like it, Im not a neat freak, Im not organized and a clean house just isnt at the top of my priority list and its never been most people know that about me and its never been a secret!!!
But.... what I do like is to have fun, I like to play and laugh and I like making memories with my friends and family, I like going to lunch with those close to me just for the heck of it, or those that are struggling, that are sad or want to celebrate a special occasion like birthdays, I like going on vacations and going to the park with my kids, I like volunteering at the school and helping in my childrens classrooms, I like making dinner for my sick neighbors or taking cookies over to a good friends, I enjoyed watching kids for weeks while my friend was pregnant and on bed rest, I loved helping friends and family that needed sitters or rides to school, I helped care for family members that were troubled or hurt after sickness or surgeries, I was a stay at home mother until my youngest was old enough for school, and during that time I provided daycare for 10 years so i could at least contribute something while my husband worked hard and supported our family, BUT.... I didnt do enough, I should have been caught up on that pile of laundry or that "do not wash pile" what my husband would call it, I should have had all the dishes done and dinner made once he walked in that door after a hard days work, I just didnt do enough to carry my load, how I wish I could change all that and possibly make it better, be a better mother and wife and do more for my family, Im sorry I wasnt good enough but I will never take back the choices I made and done for others!!! How I continue to hear how I didnt do enough and I wasnt good enough, Im happy for who I am and the fact that I was always there in time of need!!! Thanks for all my friends and family who continue to support me and appreciate me for who I am and not put me down for the things I didnt do or the things I didnt live up too!!! but I am who I am and Im proud to be me!!! Thanks so much!!!!!